Music is the best gift of life... Its all around us, all we have to do is listen. So let your music embrace you, consume you and save you. It can mend a broken heart, dry tears, create smiles, make you fall in love, change a life... Its one thing in this world that is truelly yours

One moment, one camera, one photo.... millions of memories. Get trigger happy, smile at strangers, pose like a random, remember good times, cry over lost loves, laugh at your hair and your goofy style from 10 years ago.... Capture that one moment that defines a thousand others

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

LIGHTS in studio working on her new album

"I’ve been in full on record-making mode for almost two months now. As creatively free the outcome may be, the process actually involves a massive amount of routine, such as (very) regular visits with my good friend, my Clyde Caldwell fantasy art book, copious amounts of tea, wearing the same pants every day (despite the breezy crotch rip), frozen yogurt, no-care hair, and a trusty source of CNS (chicken noodle soup). And maybe cookies. It also involves springing up (well… rolling groggily over) at 3AM to lay down the ideas you are bursting with in your half sleep. Thinking too much about anything in particular leads half of that whole sleep somewhere off in the direction of oblivion, so whole sleep has been something of a myth so far in 2011. Anyway, here I find myself yet again, wrapped up in a wonderfully puffy cloud (-:”/9) but unable to sleep because there is an idea in the way. Damn obstructive ideas. Actually, I think that’s an oxymoron. "

"This record should be decent…"


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